Flora Cuisine is a product marketed in UK. The main slogan of this campaign states that the composition contains less saturated fat than olive oil, in particular 45% less.

Also they literally promote in their website that this product is healthier than olive oil. A statement from "And as you may know by now, it's got 45% less saturated fat than olive oil, so it's a healthier choice."

The information the consumer receives is totally wrong and it is astonishing how a prestigious brand such as Flora, whose parent company are so concerned with health, have created a campaign with so little scientific rigour.
Trying to sell this product as a healthy alternative or making available its beneficial properties to the consumer seems reasonable, but considering it healthier than Olive Oil is disingenuous.
Below is set out the nutritional composition of both products:

OLIVE OIL                                                         FLORA CUISINE
Contribution per 100gr:                                        Contribution per 100gr:

Energy (kcal)    899                                            Energy (Kcal)   630    
Water (g)    0.1    
Proteins (g)    Traces                                          Protein (g)  <0.5 
Carbohydrates (g) 0                                            Carbonydrates (g)  <0.5
                                                                                                       Sugars (g)   <0.5
Fibre (g)    0                                                       Fibra (g)   <0.5     
Fat  (g)    99.9                                                    Fat (g)   70  
     Saturates (g)    14.5                                           Saturated  (g)   7
     Monounsaturated(g)    71                                    Monounsaturated  (g)  27
     Polyunsaturated (g)    10                                     Polyunsaturated  (g)  36
                                                                                                  Omega 6 (g)  31
                                                                                   Omega 3 (g)  5.1
Sodium (g)     0                                                   Sodium (g)  0.33
                                                                          Salt (g)  0.83

On observation the content of saturated fat is:  olive oil 14.5gr and Flora Cuisine 7gr. The Flora Company determines their product is healthier based on this data.  Moreover, when we consider the saturated fat content of each food in relation to its total fat, it is shown that the saturated fat in olive oil represents 14.5% and in Flora 10% of the total. Not a huge difference.

Olive Oil
14.5 (g)
71 (g)
10 (g)
Flora Cuisine
7 (g)
27 (g)
36 (g)

However the main difference is in the content of monounsaturated fat. Whilst olive oil has  71.1% of monounsaturates in its composition, Flora cuisine has 38%, with the polyunsaturated fat representing the highest proportion, 51.4%.

The effect of monounsaturated fats in the protection of cardiovascular diseases is scientifically proven and this is because they increase the HDL-cholesterol and decrease the LDL-cholesterol.  Saturated fats have the opposite effect, decreasing HDL and increasing LDL. Finally, polyunsaturated fats decrease the LDL but have no effect in HDL.

Flora cuisine has 45% less saturated fat but olive oil has 44% more monounsaturates in its composition and this makes it healthier.
Furthermore, Flora Cuisine has sugar and salt added during its manufacture. Even though these small proportions do not make it an inherantly unhealthy product, on comparison, it would subtract from its suitability.

I think Flora offers a healthy alternative, but it isn´t healthier than olive oil which is a superior product offering good fat as its main source. This is confirmed in scientific studies.



My delicious tuna pie. Its delicate flavor and texture makes this dish ideal for children or someone who does not relish the idea of eating fish.if you wish you can also make this pie with cod, hake or salmon these would be perfect alternatives.
It is Low in calories and ideal for dieting or controling weight in a healthy way.

Try it, you´ll love it.

- 4 tins of tuna in water (320gr)
- 4 large eggs
- 5 tablespoons or tomato sauce
- 4 slices of wholegrain bread (remove crust)
- A small glass of skimmed or semi-skimmed milk

Preheat the oven 190ºC
Beat all the ingredients in a blender or food mixer and put in a container suitable for oven.
Bake it for 45 minutes or until is done. You can introduce a stick to the middle of the pie and if it is clean this means the pie is done.
When cool, unmolde

 Ideal as main course with salad or spread in toast.

Nutritional information:
Tuna:oil fish is high in Omega-3 this helps lower cholesterol or tryglicerides, protecting the body from cardiovascular disease. It is also a good source of vitamin A and D.


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